Gregor Eichinger
Gregor Eichinger, Max Roth



The great Vienna Coffee House-Experiment. Phase II

Tour with the expert Gregor Eichinger

8.10.2011, 4pm–5pm

‘Coffee houses are like pockets in the public sphere where space and time are consumed, but only coffee appears on the bill.’ This is
how Gregor Eichinger explains the simple principle of a coffee house.
As a transitional spot between private and public, leisure and work, between communication, contemplation, and the offer of analogue and digital meetings, in any case the coffee house offers still more potential for urban culture than mere consumption or nostalgia. Under Eichinger’s direction and with high-profile international involvement, novel ideas have been worked out that now will be tried out in a test arrangement in the MAK-Säulenhalle (until 16 October). An accompanying exhibition in the MAK DESIGN SPACE will show the experiment’s development process. The applied research project is taking place within the framework of design>
neue strategien, a cooperation between MAK und departure, the
creative agency of the City of Vienna.