Öffentliche Uhr, Mariahilfer Straße Ecke Neubaugasse, um 1959.
Öffentliche Uhr, Mariahilfer Straße Ecke Neubaugasse, um 1959., Album Verlag



STANDARD TIME – Public Clocks and Urban Design

Technisches Museum Wien mit österreichischer Mediathek

9.10.2011, 11am–1.30pm

Since 1907 the ‘cube clocks’ have been reference points on the Vienna cityscape and announced the so-called ‘standard time’ for decades. An appreciation of the city’s furniture and the inclusion of its history for the first time are reflected in a publication issued by the company Lichterloh.

As part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK urban studies expert Peter Payer in a lecture investigates these witnesses of the past. Afterwards a panel of experts will be talking about public clocks and other city furniture. One ‘cube clock’ will also be presented to the Vienna Museum of Technology for its collection.

Discussion participants: Carl Auböck, Heidulf Gerngross, Michael Obrist, architect (feld72), Peter Payer, urban studies expert / Vienna Museum of Technology
Moderation: Barbara Rett

In cooperation with Lichterloh and the Vienna Museum of Technology,
supported by the Vienna City department MA 33.