Zieta Prozessdesign




Oskar Zieta (PL)

Maria Cristina Didero, Zieta Prozessdesign Sp. z o.o.


With their show ‘Reflections’ on the premises of Sotheby’s, the Polish-Swiss team of Oskar Zieta Prozessdesign will be starting a
first-time attempt to make sheet metal appear transparent. Zieta’s objects, their inflated metal furniture, will be shown here encased in boxes lined with patterns. Through small peepholes, the viewers will see a section of a picture reflected on the polished surface of the metal composed of a distorted image of both the space and the pattern. This transgression of the boundaries – the melding of pattern, surface, and reflection – will also leave the viewer with an impression of warmth or coolness depending on the type of metal – whether stainless steel or brass, for example. Deliberate optical disorientation!