Philippe Malouin at J. & L. Lobmeyr
LOBMEYR, Philippe Malouin
The Viennese glass company of J. & L. Lobmeyr, erstwhile purveyors to the court, has devoted itself for 200 years to the refinement and finishing of the demanding material of glass.
The company is equally as famous for incomparable quality in mousseline glass, cut glass, engraving and chandelier production as it is for the close collaboration with some of the most outstanding designers of the twentieth century.
The Canadian designer Philippe Malouin is casting a new light onto the Lobmeyr production method, which is characterised by time intensity and low-quantity series. Quartz powder slowly sifts out of a revolving and simultaneously rotating sack, visualising the time factor. Spirographic-type patterns self-generate, gain in complexity, slowly become dunes perhaps.