Eva Pölzl
Eva Pölzl, Christian Jobst


Wienlive Design Tours

Tour 1 with Eva Pölzl

Wien live

5.10.2010, 5pm

The TV moderator also works as a print journalist and an MC at off-air events. For the ORF she reported live from the red carpet at this year’s ‘Romy’ gala and did a documentary on the ‘Life Ball’.

The city magazine Wienlive, with its focus on people, fashion, living, culture, and food, this year presents for the first time the Wien live Design Tours as part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK. Design personalities will guide visitors through workshops, showrooms, and studios.

Participation is free, reservation required. Please request the date you would like to reserve under wienlive@echo.at

More info at www.wienlive.at