querkraft (AT) Architektur & Wunschmaschinen
Technisches Museum Wien mit österreichischer Mediathek
The Vienna Technical Museum is full of design objects. As part of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, amateur explorers will be given a treasure map, then, starting at the entry hall and shop, newly designed by the querkraft architects, they go on to the Wunschmaschinen [wish machines], created by young designers from the Vienna University of Applied Arts and curated by Brigitte Felderer. Form and function are turned topsy-turvy. The 18th-century Alles Schreibende Wunschmaschine [universal wish-writing machine] is a functional puzzle. David Moise’s Ultimative Maschine [ultimate machine] makes (non)sense, and all kinds of objects follow on. Participants take part in a raffle at the end of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK.