Innere Hernalser Hauptstraße
Innere Hernalser Hauptstraße, Lebendige Innere Hernalser Hauptstraße


Opening Festivities for the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK’s Focal Point Hernals

Lebendige Innere Hernalser Hauptstraße

2.10.2010, 7pm–10pm

The focus of this year’s VIENNA DESIGN WEEK in Hernals, Vienna 17, is a joint undertaking with ‘Lebendige Innere Hernalser Haupstraße’. The architect Timo Huber, a contractor for the City of Vienna, has been entrusted along with his team with the project development, which aims to accentuate the area’s individuality, integrate the people long-term, and upgrade the streets.

The opening festivities for Hernals are on Palffygasse on Saturday, 2 October at 7 pm. Dr. Ilse Pfeffer (chairwoman of the 17th district of Vienna) will speak, followed by a tour and a party. There will be food and drinks – the latter for example at the Corona Bar (designed by dottings) or the Vöslauer Bar (designed by Walking-Chair).