designsafari 5 – Vienna Architecture Centre’s Sunday Excursion Programme
Az W – Architekturzentrum Wien
3.10.2010, 1.45pm–8pm
At the start of the VIENNA DESIGN WEEK 2010, the fifth designsafari will be showing outstanding examples of graphic signage systems in no-less-admirable buildings from Vienna to Tulln, continuing across the tranquil Seerosenbrücke [‘water lily’ bridge] and on to a multi-faceted cultural walk through St. Pölten, all accompanied by various designers involved.
_ Arbeiterkammer; 1040 Vienna, Wieden; architecture: NMPB Architekten; the design of the foyer, Gabriele Lenz, Anja Mönkemöller; signage, Walter Bohatsch; 2009
_ Pflegewohnhaus [care home with nursing] Leopoldstadt; architecture: Helmut Wimmer; orientation system: Gabriele Lenz, Anja Mönkemöller; 2010
_ Landesklinikum [general hospital] Tulln; architecture, Paul Katzberger; signage, Erwin K. Bauer; 2009
_ Seerosenbrücke, Tulln; architecture: Bulant & Wailzer; 2008
_ Cultural and tourist signage, St. Pölten; Gabriele Lenz, Anja Mönkemöller; 2009
Tickets include coach ride, max. participants: 25
Meet at 13:45 at Bene, Neutorgasse 4-8, in front of the entrance; walk and bus trip; ends at 18:00 at the Az W | Tickets € 18 (students € 14) | Architects, experts: Sigrid Mayer (Bene) / EOOS / Ernst Morgenbesser (Uniqa) / Alfred Weidinger (Belvedere) / Lilli Hollein (VIENNA DESIGN WEEK) | Tour guide: Marion Kuzmany; www.azw.at