Tina Lehner (A) at Meisterkürschner Weinberger’s
Tina Lehner
2.10.2009, 6pm
What is on display at the old-established master furrier Weinberger’s in the Stuwer quarter is . . . Is that really a cute little poodle lying there – made into a bedside rug? One of those (usually) older ladies’ darlings and the pride of every poodle parlour? No, it’s not real, but a stuffed animal that was bought by the designer Tina Lehner in a toy shop, taken apart, had its stuffing removed, and with the furrier team at Weinberger’s, cut to a larger scale from an old Persian lamb coat and sewn together again flat. And around the edge is a charming border in yellow – as if fresh from the above-mentioned salon. Lehner, who has already worked on other projects involving the deconstruction of stuffed animals and goes in for atmospheric intensity, has made the poodle fit in very well with the chic 1950s style of the shop: but of course at the same time it is also completely out of line and seems almost grotesque among the fur coats. Für immer dein – Forever Yours, the name of the project, refers to the essence of a toy animal as the faithful companion from childhood on: for the little ones, this makes a great security blanket; for the not so small, a chance to bring out their old friend again in a way that is both chic and avoids embarrassment – disguised as an attractive home accessory.