Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky (A) with Petz Hornmanufaktur at R. Horn’s Wien
aws designteam
6.10.2009, 6pm
Until less than a hundred years ago, important articles of daily use, among them buttons and combs, were made of horn. It was only during the course of the twentieth century that Bakelite and celluloid presented horn with its first competition; the development of the first synthetic materials eventually rendered this naturally grown and difficult-to-work-with material entirely obsolete. Nevertheless, there are still some guardians of this brown-flecked material, and Thomas Petz, who inherited his grandfather’s horn manufactory in the fifteenth district, is one of them. Within the framework of the Passionswege, the industrial designer Adam Wehsely-Swiczinsky has now come together with a firm that works with pre-industrial material. Each piece made of this natural product is unique in its colouring and grain. Wehsely-Swiczinsky’s first project with Thomas Petz is based on contrast and the element of surprise: a well-proportioned, simple horn bracelet turns out to be a digital watch. Through the incredible first “horn-view-glasses” – they are made entirely of this material – you can allow your vision to be filtered through the horn and experience the quality first-hand (and horn). The objects are displayed and stored in fine leather cases by and at Horn’s Wien.