Workshop: Design & the Law
designforum Wien
3.10.2008, 4pm
This workshop deals with the legal protection of designers beginning with making the offer to providing the service to invoicing. One focus is on legal aspects in the digital field under the heading "Law and the Internet" (www, e-mail acquisition, tips and the basics of the E-Commerce Act 2002).
Subjects handled include: quotations, agreeing fees that are effective in law, legal chances and risks at competition presentations, protection of intellectual property, rights and obligations in developing projects and other themes.
Workshop leader: DDr. Meinhard Ciresa, lawyer and copyright expert, author of numerous publications on the theme.
Limited number of participants (max. 15), registrations on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration by e-mail: projekte at designaustria dot at; Seminar materials will be handed out on the spot.
Price: EUR 99 for non-members, EUR 79 for Design Austria members, both plus 20% VAT.