maybe Design Vienna/Istanbul and the 19th Century Passion for the Orient
8.10.2008, 8pm
With the starting point of the exhibition "Kronprinz Rudolf – Lebensspuren" ("Crown Prince Rudolf – Traces of Life") at this year's Vienna Design Week the focus is on the general passion for the Orient towards the end of the 19th century and Crown Prince Rudolf's journey to the Orient and his Turkish room.
The group maybe Design, based in Vienna and Istanbul, is designing the gallery and an adjacent room on the first upper floor Obergeschoss of the museum. Their concept "for the first time brings the seating furniture of current Turkish designers to a common historical table". This furniture is surrounded by oriental lamps, mashrabiyas (latticework) and carpets and enables us to trace the oriental dreams of Rudolf's contemporaries.
The exhibition is curated by Bora Akcay from maybe Design and opens with a Turkish-oriental party and Turkish delights.